Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The phenomenal CHEESECAKE!


←LOVE IT! πŸ˜


I promise a recipe for my Easter desserts and I will begin with this extraordinary cheesecake ( have to say, this is my beloved one πŸ’—) I tried this light cheesecake in Italy years ago, my sister made it. Hot summer, refreshing cake and fruits on the top, mmmmmmmmmmm. This looks very nice when its done, and  very simple cake to make it. 


For bottom:
  • 250gr of Digestive biscuit
  • 120gr of butter
For cream:
  • 500gr sour cream
  • 250gr of heavy cream
  • 4 egg yolk + 4tbsp of sugar
  • 12gr of gelatin
  • 1/2 of a lemon

* The best gelatin for this cheesecake is fish gelatin - in thin sheets. Like in the picture below ↓

Sheets of gelatin (2 sheets) submerge in cold water. Grind the Digestive biscuit and mix it whit melted butter, put the mixture in the cheesecake pan and press it down to make a solid bottom for cake.
Beat the heavy cream and put in the fridge. Beat the yolks with sugar and add a lemon zest and lemon juice. Put sour cream in and mix it a little bit. Pull out gelatin from water and put in the microwave for few seconds to melt it down. Pour the melted gelatin in the mixture of yolks and sour cream. Mix it with hand, add a beaten heavy cream in and stir it slowly until there is nice texture. Pour the cream in the pan, on the bottom you made it earlier. On the top you can laid any kind of fruits you like it! Leave in the fridge for 5 hours before serving.
        And VoilΓ 

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